Reading Lists
Ecofictions from ASEAN
Bobis, Merlinda C. Fish-hair Woman. Chicago: Spinifex Press, 2012.
___. Locust Girl: A Love Song. Spinifex Press, 2015.
___. The Kindness of Birds. Spinifex Press, 2021.
Carter, Mary E. A Death Delayed: Agent Orange: Hidden Killer of Vietnam. Tovah Miriam, 2017.
Chand, Meira. A Different Sky. Vintage UK, 2011.
Ismeer, Nabeel. The Hunter’s Walk. Penguin Random House, 2021.
Lim, Suchen Christine. The River’s Song. Singapore: Aurora Metro Books, 2014.
Ng, Yi-Sheng. Lion City. Epigram Books, 2018.
Pham, Chi and Chitra Sankaran. Revenge of Gaia. Penguin Random House SEA, 2021.
Salleh, Muhammad Haji. “Rain” Accessed 1 November 2021.
Sarmiento, Carolina A. Irene. “Maharlika” In Hoard of Thunder: Philippine Short Stories in English 1990 to 2008 Volume II 2001 to 2008. Edited by Gemino H. Abad. University of Phillipines Press, 2014.
Sudham, Pira. “Rains”. Siamese Drama and Other Stories from Thailand. Siam Media International Books, 1983, pp.
Vincent, Esther Xueming. Red Earth. Blue Cactus Press, 2021.
Waugh, Charles and Huy Lian. Family of Fallen Leaves: Stories of Agent Orange from Vietnamese Writers. University of Georgia Press. 2010.
Zin, Khin Mya. “Heartless Forest” In Heartless Forest: An Anthology of Burmese Women Writers, edited by Nance Cunningham. Pansodan, 2013.